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TCGAlaska Consulting,
Coaching, and Online
Life Skills School

Decide, Set Goals, Achieve Dreams...Do it Now!

Online School Now Open
Click here to enter!

Our online Life Skills School is now open.  At $110 per student, it is a small price for 77 interactive life skills lessons.  You have a year to complete the courses.  Call me or email me today to get started.   When you enroll you will be emailed the login and password information. 

Some of the interactive titles include:

Advertising - Believe It?...Consumerism

How to Handle Money...Peer Pressure

Self Control...The Interview

Verbal Communication...What Am I Worth?

and many more!

Comments from students:

I like the Life Skills online program and will recommend it to my friends.   Nick J.,  age 17



Sponsorship goal

Collected: $99.00
Goal: $5,500.00
Our goal is to sponsor 50 students this year. When you help us do that we will add your weblink to our sponsor page.

TCGAlaska provides life coaching to active duty military, spouses, and retirees at no cost or low cost depending on their situation.  Please help us to continue to provide this service to our men and women in the military with your donation of any amount today.  Thank you and God bless you! 


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